Okay for those of you who have been so diligently hounding me to get back on the blogging band wagon take a moment to sit down, take deep breaths and let the heart rate come back to normal after the shock of seeing me update my blog after over a year. It is not that I have not been around because I have. I have been thoroughly enjoying all of your blogs, they have made me smile and have helped me feel connected to all of you that I love.
So to give you just a brief explanation as to why I have not been blogging...because life has been crazy!!!!!! To say the least. Over the past few years we have been experiencing what I like to think of as "The Refiners Fire". Hopefully we are now heading towards that part where all of the blessing are poured on us after the trial. Okay so maybe we have been bless immensely all along the way, I think that I am just hoping for a little bit of a reprieve from the trials.
Through everything I have experience incredible awakenings of understanding. I have also relearned the same lesson that I have been taught many times before and will learn over and over again for the rest of my life and that is that my Heavenly Father loves me and walks with me daily through this life. He has blessed me immensely and during times of trial it is so beautiful that if you choose you can see him in everything. I love him and I am so very thankful for him and his son. Also, for the knowledge I have of what they have given me. They both have been very patient and long suffering with me. During my tantrums they would let me get if off of my chest and then would lovingly show me the errors of my way. I am so very thankful for my life, for the hope I have for the future and for those around me who lift and love me along the way.
Now with all that mushy stuff out of the way, my hope is to keep up better with this blog. Everyone keep your fingers crossed, if you are still with me!